The “Integration of allotment and community gardens” team published the first scientific article on the topic. Based on our surveys…
Interview for Krytyka Polityczna
“Allotments are back in fashion. It was accelerated by the pandemic, and the climate crisis reminded us of the advantages…
Guide to fostering cooperation for integrated forms of urban gardening
We are happy to share with you “Guide to fostering cooperation for integrated forms of urban gardening”! This guide results…
Creative collaborations in allotments
Allotment gardens can be seen as special urban spaces where the whole spectrum of creative activity of the inhabitants can…
Integration in Wrocław allotment garden – an interview with Ołbinski Ogród Otwarty
An interview was held on 23.06.2020 by Anna Dańkowska with Yauheniya Chubarava and Bruno Zachariasiewicz from Plastformers Foundation who takes…
Following gardeners’ individual stories
Due to pandemic situation we had to change the methodology we are using in our research. We could at least…
Meeting in Peace of Land community garden
The meeting was a continuation of our discussions that started in July 2020 in ROD Pratulińska in Warsaw where we invited gardeners from allotment and community gardens to…
Integration in Berlin is needed – Forum Stadtgärtnern
At the end of August, the Forum Stadtgärtnern was held on the lawn of the Vereinshaus of Kleingartenanlage Bornholm II…
Halfway to the Shore
Beside the difficulties caused by the pandemic we happily managed went through the first phase of the project (scoping) and…
Berlin needs MORE gardens!
Berlin is a city of gardens. Gardens are everywhere: along the streets, under the trees, in private yards, in cemeteries.…